The Pandemic has affected a lot of things and social media is one of them. The lockdown put in place as a measure to curb the spread of the virus, as well as people working from home, has led to a massive increase in social media usage. This has led to a significant shift in when people are active.
According to a recent report by sprout on data gathered between March and April, the best time to post on Facebook based on overall engagements trends are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 11 am.
The report also noted that on Facebook, every day at 11 am saw a slight peak in engagement compared to the rest of the day. If you are looking to maximize the reach of Facebook, you might consider that mid-morning gap.
On Instagram, Monday, Tuesday and Friday at 11 am and also Tuesday at 2 pm. Previously, sprout had identified Wednesday 11 am and Friday from 10 am -11 am as the best time to post on Instagram.
On Twitter sprout previously had noted that Wednesday and Friday at 9 am were the best time to post. Currently, Friday 7 am – 9 am are the best time to post on twitter with 9 am showing the peak of activity.
On LinkedIn, the best time to post is Wednesday at 3 pm, Thursday 9-10 am and Friday from 11 am -12 pm.
This data is not prescriptive, you can only determine the true best time to post for your business by experimenting and seeing how your audience responds