New Facebook look

New Facebook look

Recently Facebook has been giving its users access to its newly redesigned desktop experience which is less cluttered and uses brighter icons. The company said it will fully launch the new look this month, with it recently giving 48 hours for its users to switch to the old Facebook before switching back to the new look.

New Facebook look

The new Facebook allows users to set their background to either white or dark-mode background.

When you visit a Facebook page, the About column appears on the left showing all the information on that section, unlike the previous one which showed a snippet. It is followed by photos, videos, page transparency and lastly creates page column.

On the right-hand side its where all the page posts appear. Basically it’s an interchange. On the topmost part just below the cover image is where you can access other page tabs.

All in all, it looks organized, very clear and less cluttered. The font is also very visible.

How To switch to New Facebook


New Facebook look









How to switch back from the New facebook to old one(classic Facebook )

New Facebook look

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